Palestra dell’Inglese
La Palestra dell’Inglese (addestramento alla pronuncia inglese)
Quando e dove:
Principianti tutti i Martedi 18:30-19:30
Avanzato tutti i Giovedi 19:45-20:45
LSA 100 Celle, Viale della Primavera 319/b)
Oltre ad avere alcuni suoni sconosciuti in Italiano, l’Inglese non e’ una lingua fonetica come l’Italiano: la pronuncia di ogni lettera o insieme di lettere e’ soggetta a variabilita’ secondo l’origine della parola (anglo-sassone, normanna, teutonica, latina, greca, parole straniere, ecc.). Per di piu’ non esistono regole ferree. Dall’altra parte, una pronuncia chiara e precisa e’ essenziale per farsi capire.
Il corso vi aiutera’ a impostare correttamente la vostra pronuncia tramite l’uso di scioglilingua, filastrocche, lettura ad alta voce, spelling e conversazione. Durante gli esercizi, si affrontera’, tra l’altro:
i suoni poco comuni o sconosciuti nell’italiano (es: di chai, di ckai, di thai, di wai, di whai, di hai, di jai),
la variabilita’ dei vocali a secondo della posizione nella parola (ogni vocale ha almeno due versioni),
le lettere che si scrivono ma non si dicono (es: would, psychology, know, build, suitable, who, where),
le parole che si pronunciano diversamente secondo il significato (es. row che puo’ dirsi raouai o rhoai),
le parole che hanno la stessa pronuncia ma si scrivono diversamente (would/wood, row/roe, wrote/rote),
i diversi modi di pronunciare di-ui-ai (es: build, , guild, suit, suitable, acquire, require, suite, cuisine),
i diversi modi di pronunciare di-ough-ai (es: cough, rough, bought, though, hiccough, thorough, slough),
i diversi modi di pronunciare di-ow-ai (know, crow, throw, crowd, how, knowhow, brown, cow),
ecc. ecc.
Alcuni esempi di scioglilingua
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
Chester Cheetah chews a chunk of cheap cheddar cheese.
Betty Bottle bought a bit of butter to better her batter. Did the bit of butter that Betty Bottle bought make her batter better? No, her batter was still bitter because she forgot to buy the sugar!
I wish I were what I was when I wished I were what I am.
I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn’t the thought I thought I thought. If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought, I wouldn’t have thought that thought.
Hercules, a hardy and honourable hunter, hunted a hare in the Hampshire Hills. Hit him on the head with a hard, hard hammer and made him howl horribly! Hercules gave the hare to the heiress Holly Hamilton.
The builders built a building of building blocks that they intended to convert into a block suitable for one-room apartments with en-suite bathrooms.
Here I am, suited up in a new suit that I hope will be suitable for the party thrown by the builders of the suite of apartments I acquired from them. Iai??i??m sure I shall enjoy some very fine cuisine!
A rough-coated, dough-faced, thoughtful ploughman strode through the streets of Scarborough; after falling into a slough, he coughed and hiccoughed.
The Coach: Bernadette Trottier was born in Peterborough, Canada, 75 years ago. Although she bears a very
French name, she is a native speaker of English, and she has over 45 years of experience in the translation as
well as the revision of English written by a broad range of non-native speakers of the language. Since 1973,
she has lived in Rome Italy, where she works free-lance as translator and copy-editor, mainly for the Rome-
based UN Agencies. She has an international accent and she is a great fan of tongue-twisters.
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